New postgraduates in Quaker Studies from Woodbrooke Quaker Study Cantre. L-r: Kate Mellor, tutor Ben Pink Dandelion, Deborah Cho and Simon Best. Photo: Photo courtesy Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre.

Quaker academics celebrate success

Postgraduate degrees in Quaker studies

Quaker academics celebrate success

by Symon Hill 18th February 2011

Three Friends have become the latest to receive postgraduate degrees in Quaker Studies.

Simon Best, who currently works for Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM), completed his doctoral work on adolescent Quaker spirituality. Simon has recently been appointed tutor for nurturing Friends and Meetings at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham. He will take up the post in September.

Deborah Cho from South Korea wrote her PhD dissertation on four British Quaker women and their attitudes to peace and politics at the start of the twentieth century.
Kate Mellor, who works for Quaker Homeless Action, completed her MPhil on belief in God and Christian identity within BYM.

They bring to thirty-five the total number of people to have completed degrees at the Centre for Postgraduate Quaker Studies, which is based at Woodbrooke in association with the University of Birmingham. The Centre currently has twenty-five MPhil and PhD students working on different aspects of Quakerism past and present.


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