Pontefract Friends host climate talk
A renewable energy specialist spoke at Pontefract Meeting on 9 February
Pontefract Meeting hosted a talk about climate change this month in a bid to raise awareness of the crisis. Andrew Rollinson, a renewable energy specialist, spoke on 9 February about the various pointers that indicate we are in a climate emergency.
Lynda Storey, clerk of Pontefract Meeting, told the Friend: ‘Andrew attends the Meeting sometimes and is very active in trying to get the local council to reduce its emissions and take urgent action.
‘He knows a lot about energy production and was very much the inspiration behind the setting up of the local Extinction Rebellion (XR)group, which meets in our building every week free of charge. The Meeting house is very much a base for the XR group and it sometimes uses it to paint banners and prepare costumes et cetera.’