'The silence that we share is real. In fact it is the only reality' Photo: by Swapnil Sharma on Unsplash
Poetry emotion: Angela Greenwood is transported
‘The practice could take us into a place of deep inner peace.’
In my meditation today, Jim Pym’s poem ‘The Deep Silence’ came into my mind, particularly in relation to what I had felt about ‘being Peace in the midst of horror’ (29 April). Jim’s poem transports me to a deeper place, and I have used it often in our Experiment with Light group. I was first introduced to it by Alan Holmes at an Experiment with Light conference, when after a short conversation he rushed to his room to get a copy of Jim’s booklet, which he was enthusiastic to share. Along with it was a cassette recording of the poem, read with gaps, for use in meditation.
Today, with the news of Ukraine, and so much conflict in the world, it came into my mind that I might ask the participants of our Meeting’s ‘Earth Meditation’ group if they would like to try using a slow meditative version of it as a framework for our meditation. The poem speaks of going deeply into the underlying silent reality, and of feeling a sense of oneness with creation.
Breathe deeply
Feel the deep silence
The silence that we share is real
In fact it is the only reality
In this still presence
I listen to hear the voice of my own soul
I am open to receive what ever is here for me.
I feel a sense of oneness
With all who seek the presence of the divine.
I feel a sense of perfect oneness
with all creation
In this oneness
there is infinite love and care
In this oneness
There is love which gives, whether or not I deserve it
I rest in this stillness.
The recording leaves long pauses between each stanza. It occurred to me that the practice could take us into a place of deep inner peace.
Knowing how to ‘be peace amidst the horror’ is a challenge indeed. Perhaps the first place we can live it is to ‘Touch Peace’ in those moments in our everyday lives when a conversation or a thought brings up a conflicted or judgemental response within us. This is not easy – I get caught up all the time – but we need to be gentle on ourselves. If we have an intention to grow in this way, but let it rest lightly within us, and if we regularly practice going deeply into meditation or prayer, our awareness of moments when we could be open to that Deep Peace will increase. Well, it’s worth a try!