'Hope is what makes us human' Photo: banner made by the children of Dorking Meeting

A poem after Emily Dickinson

Poem: Hope heals*

A poem after Emily Dickinson

by the children of Dorking Meeting 26th June 2020

Hope is a thing with feathers
Hope is trusting and believing
Hope is something that someone feels
Hope is thinking of sunshine when it’s a cold winter’s day and raining
Hope is what makes us human
Hope is a light
Hope is being determined and happy to do something
Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel
Hope is a house martin in acrobatic flight
Hope flows with all that stands for good
Hope is there
Hope is a fuzzy ball of ‘may get better’ after something bad happens
Hope is love
Hope is all
Hope is relaxing, being calm and accepting
And hope heals

This poem was written collectively by the children of Dorking Meeting. They also made the banner above.

*After Emily Dickinson:
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops – at all.


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