Plaque with two of John Barlow’s great-grandsons. Photo: Colin Warwick

Blue plaque for John Barlow

Plaque honours Quaker scientist

Blue plaque for John Barlow

by Tara Craig 25th September 2015

A blue plaque commemorating the life of Quaker scientist John Barlow was unveiled at his former Edinburgh home on September 14.

John Barlow (1815-1856) worshipped at Edinburgh Central Meeting and was known for his work in veterinary science, particularly his use of the microscope. He was described by contemporaries as ‘a hundred years before his time’, and as having ‘brought the light of science to bear upon the profession’.

Among those at the unveiling of the plaque were two of John Barlow’s great grandsons, and representatives of Central Edinburgh Quaker Meeting, including clerk Margaret Mortimer. Margaret said that Edinburgh Quakers felt it was important to be reminded of the contribution made by early Friends in the city, including John Barlow.


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