Progress made at the Silver Wattle Quaker Centre

Plans for Australian Quaker Centre

Progress made at the Silver Wattle Quaker Centre

by The Friend Newsdesk 22nd February 2013

Positive progress continues on the development of the Australian Quaker Centre at Silver Wattle.  A property near Canberra, the capital of Australia, has been purchased thanks to over one hundred donations. A Quaker teaching ministry and curriculum is being developed.

A purpose-built healing centre, named after Olaf Hodgkin, is in the design stage and Australian Friends are hopeful that the Silver Wattle Quaker Centre will, in the future, be an integral part of Quaker life and witness in the country.

The challenge, according to a statement by Australian Friends, is ‘to make the Centre spiritually and financially viable in the medium term, particularly the next five to ten years.’

They say: ‘While we draw inspiration from Pendle Hill and Woodbrooke, it is the Ben Lomond Quaker Center (south of San Francisco) or the Highlander Center in Tennessee that are closer in scale and nature to the Silver Wattle Quaker Centre.

‘Our vision is to grow a place of spiritual nurture, where many come for healing, and others will find their lives upended, becoming modern prophets, for themselves, for their Meetings or for public witness.’

A director or codirectors are being recruited for all or part of the three years 2014-16.


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