Peace Hub supports Anti-Bullying Week

Peace Hub backs ‘Power for Good’

Peace Hub supports Anti-Bullying Week

by Tara Craig 18th November 2016

‘Power for GooD’ is the theme of Anti-Bullying Week 2016 (14-18 November). It has provided the perfect opportunity for the Peace Hub in Birmingham to kick-start its own new project ‘We are Powerful’.

The Central England Quakers’ project is working with the Anti-Bullying Alliance to encourage people to use their power for good to understand ‘the ways in which they are powerful’ and to encourage ‘individual and collective action to stop bullying and create the best world possible’.

Peace Hub coordinator Peter Doubtfire explained that the project would have information on different forms of bullying and would encourage people ‘to make the link between bullying at school or in the workplace, and the type of harassment of anyone considered “different” in the community, that is sadly on the rise’. He added: ‘We’ve also got tips, from Peacemakers (a West Midlands Quaker peace education project) on how to respond to incidents safely, and use restorative processes to heal divisions’.

The Peace Hub will ask people to pledge not to look away if they see bullying, but to speak up and offer friendship to the victim. The Hub will also feature a board where people can record small acts of kindness that others have done for them, to say thank you and to help inspire people to start building a more peaceful culture, Peter explained. Work on this theme will continue until January.


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