Gretchen Castle and Pope Francis. Photo: Courtesy of FWCC.
Papal audience for FWCC general secretary
Gretchen Castle had an audience with the Pope
Gretchen Castle, general secretary of the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), and her husband David Botwinik had an audience with the Pope in Rome while on a recent visit to the city.
Gretchen was in the Italian capital for a meeting of the general secretaries of the Christian World Communions.
She wrote of the audience: ‘Pope Francis was even more loving than I dared imagine. He shared greetings and challenge for our Christian World Communions General Secretaries’ Conference and our continued ecumenical work.
‘He asked me to pray for him. I said I would. And I ask you to join me in praying for his continued strength as he brings hope to the world. He is such a gift to the human family.’