‘It’s important for the religiously inclined to be able to defend themselves.’ Photo: Book cover of Outgrowing Dawkins: God for grown-ups, by Rupert Shortt

Author: Rupert Shortt. Review by Jonathan Wooding.

Outgrowing Dawkins: God for grown-ups, by Rupert Shortt

Author: Rupert Shortt. Review by Jonathan Wooding.

by Jonathan Wooding 18th March 2022

I have a feeling that neither atheists nor the irreligious (nor the indifferent) will really feel the need to read this book. They’ve made up their minds, as Rupert Shortt indicates in a chapter entitled ‘A dialogue of the deaf’. But it’s important for the religiously inclined to be able to defend themselves, isn’t it, when we’re subject to so much scorn and such (to us, surprising) indifference?