‘While Meeting by Zoom has been interesting, companionable, and sometimes fun, I have not felt able to talk with anyone in a more personal way.’ Photo: by Anthony Tran on Unsplash.

‘I had a great fear of the psychological effects of prolonged isolation.’

Only human: isolation has been especially difficult for the bereaved, says Louise Rendle

‘I had a great fear of the psychological effects of prolonged isolation.’

by Louise Rendle 1st January 2021

When it first became apparent how serious the pandemic was becoming, it was just over two years since my husband G’s death. As anyone who has experienced the death of a much-loved partner will attest, the pain never goes. We can find ways to manage it and live with it, and build (or rebuild) a life, but however full and fulfilled that life may be, we never stop missing the loved one. In those two years I had maintained old friendships, made new friends and continued to be involved with the Quaker Meeting and other activities and groups. I went to concerts, visited galleries and museums, and – very importantly – joined a ‘Walk & Talk’ bereavement support group.  So, a full life, but with a large G-shaped hole in the middle.