October’s Meeting of Friends in Wales: Carolyn Sansom attends

‘Our four Area Meeting “fingers”, and the MFW “thumb”, could be tightly knitted together, like a glove.’

'The work done so far...about "listening to the winds of the spirit blowing through the Quaker tree".' | Photo: Callum Parker on Unsplash.

It was good to see the faces of the sixty Friends attending Meeting of Friends in Wales (MFW) via Zoom in October. We were efficiently led through the business by our clerking team. As usual, the business was a mix of matters internal to MFW, those relating to other Quaker bodies, and those regarding our wider witness. Among these was a review of our finances, and hearing updates from various committees and groups. We also heard the submission to Yearly Meeting Agenda Committee, which summarises those matters that have been of most concern to us over the past year. We considered the proposed move of the Museum of Military Medicine to Cardiff Bay from Aldershot, and agreed to ask Friends and Meetings to take this forward ‘as led’. We were pleased to welcome our new administrator Laura Karadog. Jules Montgomery was thanked for her thirteen years of faithful and efficient service.

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