Nuclear weapons treaty talks
Positive progress has been made at nuclear weapons treaty negotiations
Positive progress was made at the nuclear weapons treaty negotiations that recently concluded at the United Nations in New York.
The Nuclear Ban Treaty conference, held between 27 – 31 March, was attended by Tim Wallis, who is working on peace and disarmament for Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW), and who wrote a daily blog from the event.
He took a statement with him that was signed by five major churches to commend and uphold the countries involved in the conference. Delegates from 132 made statements or took part in discussions.
Tim Wallis’ daily reports, which are published on the Quakers in Britain website, conveyed a positive message, despite the fact that the nuclear weapon states and the majority of the ‘nuclear allies’ of the United States were boycotting the negotiations.
‘We gave thanks’, he wrote, for a ‘new spirit of cooperation and unity that is developing’ and described the week as ‘historic’.