Quaker presence at historic Nuclear Ban Treaty conference

New York talks on a nuclear-free world

Quaker presence at historic Nuclear Ban Treaty conference

by The Friend Newsdesk 23rd June 2017

There is a Quaker presence at the historic talks being held at the United Nations in New York to create a world free of nuclear weapons.

Tim Wallis, peace and disarmament programme manager for Quaker Peace & Social Witness and author of The Truth about Trident, is observing the talks and reporting highlights daily on the ‘Quakers in Britain’ website.

In an early report he said that the delegates’ opening remarks ‘show great expectations that they will agree a treaty on 7 July that will be a major step on the path to outlawing nuclear weapons’.

While more than 150 countries are lined up to take part, the UK government is staying away.

Tim Wallis led an early morning interfaith vigil on 15 June. He will meet ambassadors, observe sessions and join marches. On Sunday 18 June the American Friends Service Committee held a conference at Brooklyn Friends Meeting House called: ‘No Nukes, No Walls, No Warming.’

This round of the Nuclear Ban Treaty conference runs from 15 June until 7 July. Tim Wallis is representing Quakers in Britain and Quakers worldwide through the Friends World Committee for Consultation.


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