Quaker House, Brussels Photo: Photo: Ben2 courtesy Wikimedia Commons CC.
New Quaker voices in Brussels
QCEA announces new repesentatives
The voice of Quaker advocacy in Brussels will soon be speaking with two new accents. The new Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) representatives are Alexandra Bosbeer and Gordon Matthews.
They will take over in October from Liz Scurfield and Martina Weitsch who, having been in Brussels for ten years, are the longest serving representatives in the history of QCEA.
Alexandra, a Friend of twenty years standing, has been involved in managing part of the international accreditation programme for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and spent fifteen years in Ireland teaching environmental and forest management.
Gordon, who has worked for most of his life either for Quaker bodies or ecumenical peace organisations, is a former senior volunteer at QCEA and studied environmental science at the University of Bradford.
Their appointment as QCEA representatives, based at Quaker House, will strengthen Friends’ advocacy at a European level on sustainability and climate change.
A decade of continuous management has helped to firmly establish the voice and profile of QCEA in Brussels. Liz Scurfield said: ‘We are handing over an organisation that is well known to, and respected by, decision-makers and NGO collegues alike’.