Stockport Meeting house. Photo: Sheila Whitehead.
New Meeting house for Stockport Friends
Friends in Stockport celebrate the opening of their new Meeting house
Stockport QUAKERs celebrated the opening of their sixth Meeting house on Sunday 17 May with an all-age Meeting for Worship.
Around sixty Friends gathered at the event. Many of them were from other Meetings in East Cheshire.
‘Friends in the Area Meeting contributed hugely to this successful venture, giving their time and money to help build this resource for us all,’ Stockport Meeting clerk Ian Hamilton told the Friend.
Ian added that the Meeting had received many donations from individuals and Meetings throughout the country, with the help of an appeal leaflet in the Friend, and expressed his thanks for the contributions from Friends.
The theme of the Meeting for Worship was ‘footsteps’. Those present drew around their feet on paper and wrote thoughts on their own and the Meeting’s future paths. During periods of silence both the long history and the future potential of Stockport Meeting provided sources for ministry.
The first Meeting house in Stockport was built in 1705 on a nearby site.