Library resources on the Kindertransport. Photo: Melissa Atkinson, Friends House Library.
New Kinderstransport guide published
The Library of the Religious Society of Friends has published a new subject guide
The Kindertransport is the focus of the latest Subject Guide of The Library of the Religious Society of Friends.
The new guide gives details of Kindertransport information held by the library. This includes press cuttings and printed accounts of former Kindertransportees. It also provides information on where to find related information not held by the library.
The guide was produced in response to queries from family members of those who escaped Nazi persecution before and during the second world war, often with help from Friends. Staff at the library, in Friends House, hope to open more Friends Committee for Refugees and Aliens files up for research soon.
‘It is on our webpages at, and available in hard copy from the library. We have copies on display and enquirers can request a copy via email or post,’ senior library assistant Jennifer Milligan explained to the Friend.