New funding priorities for JRCT
The JRCT announces changes to its funding priorities
The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust has announced significant changes to its grant-making priorities for the next five to ten years. The funding for projects in the Republic of Ireland is to end and its Quaker Concerns programme is to be closed. Sustainability, however, will be an important focus for the Trust in the next decade.
The charity, which has just completed a major review, has decided to centre grant-making around four themes: equalities, rights and justice; power and accountability; peace and security; and sustainable future.
The new structure, the Trust explained, is ‘designed to bring more focus to the Trust’s work, and to strengthen the Trust’s contribution in the field of sustainability, reflecting wider Quaker concern.’
The Trust will continue to fund projects in Britain and Northern Ireland and at EU level. It acknowledges that the decision to close the Quaker Concerns programme may be met with disappointment by many Friends in Britain.
The Trust has stated that Quaker groups will be ‘very welcome to apply for funding under the new themes’.
‘Guidance for applicants to these new programmes will be published in May 2014. More information is available on the Trust website’