Young Friends General Meeting saw a surge in new faces

New faces among Young Friends

Young Friends General Meeting saw a surge in new faces

by Tara Craig 4th November 2016

Almost a third of those who gathered in Lancaster for a Young Friends General Meeting (YFGM) from 21-23 October were new to the event.

YFGM coordinator Rachel Evans told the Friend that the highlights included a talk from Hilary Wainwright on the Lucas Plan and methods to ensure that labour is used for the social good of all. Friends were asked to challenge their attitudes to Christian language in Quakerism, including the idea of discipleship.

Special interest groups provided a variety of opportunities for Young Friends. Rachel said: ‘They could have a Q&A session with Mish Liddle about polyamory, go for a walk around Lancaster, or discuss with our Trident Concern Working Group where we should be taking our opposition to nuclear arms renewal following the overwhelming vote in parliament for the renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons system.’ 

The epilogues focused on autumn and the gathering saw Friends decide to appoint YFGM representatives to the Britain Yearly Meeting sustainability group and the steering group for its Engaging Young Adult Friends project. The gathering also featured the launch of a review into mental wellbeing at YFGM.


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