Sally Sadler. Photo: Courtesy of Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre.

Sally Sadler is the new resident volunteer coordinator

New appointment at Woodbrooke

Sally Sadler is the new resident volunteer coordinator

by Tara Craig 19th February 2016

The Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre has announced the appointment of Sally Sadler as the new resident volunteer coordinator.

Sally will be responsible for the management and coordination of volunteer Friends-in-residence who provide continuity to the Quaker presence at Woodbrooke and help with operational duties.

Sally is currently a member of West Wiltshire and East Somerset Area Meeting and has also spent time with Local Meetings in Cambridge, Brussels, York and Lewes. She has worked in journalism, public relations, education and conference organisation.

Sandra Berry, director of Woodbrooke, said: ‘We are very happy to have found the right person to carry this responsibility forward into the future once Robin Bowman retires after eight years of faithful service to Woodbrooke.

‘The role of resident volunteer coordinator is core to Woodbrooke, providing a continuing Quaker presence at our Study Centre in Birmingham’.

Sally is likely to start her post in April.


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