The Mount School. Photo: Courtesy of The Mount School.

The Mount School reduces day fees to encourage diversity

Mount School cuts day fees to encourage more diversity

The Mount School reduces day fees to encourage diversity

by Rebecca Hardy 18th May 2018

The Mount School in York has decided to reduce its day fees in order to encourage more diversity as a witness to its Quaker values.

The school made the announcement to parents at the start of the summer term, with the new fee structure to be introduced in September 2018.

Day school fees have been reduced by between fifteen to twenty per cent in the co-educational Mount Junior School and in the all-girl Senior School.

Margaret Bryan, chair of the school’s governing committee, wrote to parents that ‘over recent years the independent sector has become progressively more unaffordable for all but the wealthiest families. This situation is not in line with our Quaker ethos.’

Kate Linfoot, director of external relations, told the Friend: ‘The response so far has been very positive. A few families have thanked us and we’ve had an increase in people expressing an interest in the school. We do have a diverse community, but we didn’t want to lose that. Ten to fifteen years ago, it would be teachers or doctors sending their children to an independent school. Now they’re being priced out of the market.’

York’s Quaker community founded The Mount School in 1785 to provide the children of York with an education founded on the values of peace, equality, truth and social justice.


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