‘Young women today are under more pressure than ever to consent in the name of sexual freedom.’ Photo: Sydney Sims / Unsplash.

This month sees the start of a United Nations campaign against gender-based violence. Margaret Roy describes preparations in Scotland

‘Misogyny is expressed in an economic system that exploits the Earth.’

This month sees the start of a United Nations campaign against gender-based violence. Margaret Roy describes preparations in Scotland

by Margaret Roy 15th November 2019

Why is violence against women such a difficult issue for Quakers to take on? When mentioned it emits bountiful support. But when proposed as a topic for, say, Area Meeting, warnings are given about ‘safety’ and how it could be very disturbing for some.

When I went to represent General Meeting on the Scottish Committee of (Women’s) World Day of Prayer, I realised how much was hidden. As I uncovered it, it was appalling and shocking. I was overwhelmed.