'Some say they feel the unity; others, it does not ‘work’ for them...' Photo: by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Poem by John Lampen

Meeting for Zooming

Poem by John Lampen

by John Lampen 15th July 2022

The screens reflected in their eyes,
each sits in a familiar room,
Friends – silent, chatty, busy, wise –
united by the Quaker Zoom.

The hidden pathways of the air
disseminate the thoughtful faces
potentially to everywhere,
to other times and different spaces.

Some say they feel the unity;
others, it does not ‘work’ for them;
but scientific mystery
is no more odd, I say, than when

we gather in the Meeting house
and grace connects us each to each
and, silent and unseen, allows
the Light to comfort, bind and teach.


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