Meeting for Sufferings: Yearly Meeting Review Group

‘The big question is: can we really have discernment at all if the bulk of the people are online and it’s a contentious and heartfelt decision?’

The first main item on Saturday saw Sarah Donaldson, convener of the Yearly Meeting Review Group (YMRG), which is appointed to review Yearly Meeting (YM), Yearly Meeting Gathering (YMG) and Meeting for Sufferings (MfS), speaking to the group’s second report. ‘As reported in October, we’ve heard that Spirit-led discernment is central to the heart of the Society,’ said Sarah. This discernment, the report suggests, is not being well practised everywhere, and communication is a challenge across the YM. Friends were asked to consider eight questions. These looked at how to create opportunities for Spirit-led discernment (by allowing enough time and opportunity for experimentation); membership and representation; and communication (‘Does anything need to change in the system of MfS representation?’, ‘How can we achieve better methods of communication throughout the Yearly Meeting?’ and ‘How can we reduce friction in the relationship between MfS and BYM Trustees?’).

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