Meeting for Sufferings: Yearly Meeting Gathering 2017
The upcoming Yearly Meeting Gathering was discussed at Meeting for Sufferings
Sufferings heard that the aim of Yearly Meeting Gathering 2017, to be held in Warwick 29 July – 5 August, was to ‘create an inclusive, warm and loving atmosphere’ that would nurture Friends in their witness in living ‘in the Kingdom of God here and now.’
Deborah Rowlands, clerk of Yearly Meeting, and Clare Scott Booth, first assistant clerk of Yearly Meeting, told Sufferings about the proposed agenda and programme, and explained that there would ‘be more space’ to enable Friends to meet informally and take time for personal reflection. Lunches, in particular, would be free from interest group meetings.
The programmed agenda for 2017 will focus on movement building: working with others to make a difference.