Meeting for Sufferings: Welcome
‘Out of the depths of authentic prayer comes a longing for peace and a passion for justice.'
July’s Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) – still online via Zoom – opened with the welcome sight of two clerks sat alongside each other. They were sharing a table at the new Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) hub in Leeds. It was part of how MfS is ‘continuing to innovate’, said Margaret Bryan, clerk, who looked forward to more such opportunities. Watching them nudge and whisper to each other – and call on the deputy recording clerk in the next room – was achingly familiar, a hopeful sign for a return to in-person Meetings.
Other representatives were on separate screens, of course, but all present heard birdsong from one corner of England while an elder read from Quaker faith & practice 23.10: ‘Out of the depths of authentic prayer comes a longing for peace and a passion for justice. And our response to violence and injustice is to pray more deeply, because only God can show us the way out of the mess that the world is in.’