The second report of the Book of Discipline Preparation Group was received by Friends

Meeting for Sufferings: The Book of Discipline Revision Preparation Group

The second report of the Book of Discipline Preparation Group was received by Friends

by Trish Carn 9th December 2016

Lesley Richards, clerk of the Book of Discipline Revision Preparation Group (RPG), presented their second report to Meeting for Sufferings.

She said that one of the major pieces of their work had been looking at the ‘Church Government’ part of Quaker faith & practice (Qf&p).

This part has only been revised piecemeal since 1967 and the group feels it is no longer fit for purpose. They have worked closely with the Church Government Advisory Group and the Yearly Meeting Publications Group.

The RPG feels that it is necessary to describe the core principles behind the various sections of Church Government. Many members today do not have the background to understand them, as was the case in the past. Supplements or handbooks can then be used to show how the principles work in practice. Supplements can be revised more easily.

Thus, the main book would not contain material that is not used very often. It was suggested that changes to the supplements could be dealt with by Sufferings for most things and then reported to Yearly Meeting in session.

A Friend commented that it would be important to have cross-referencing between the handbooks and the spiritual basis in Qf&p.

Another facet of their work had been looking at the theism/nontheism discussion.

This implies a rather linear situation but the group believes it is more multi-dimensional than linear. They have been working with a group of Friends, a ‘theological thinktank’, who represented a variety of views within the Society.

Lesley Richards also reported that the ‘Reading Qf&p project’ had a far greater take-up ‘than we had dared hope’.

It finishes in the spring and they hope to have some ‘option groups’ at Yearly Meeting Gathering next August.

The group’s appointments were extended until 31 December 2018.

Church Government Advisory Group minutes

Meeting for Sufferings also received two minutes sent from the Church Government Advisory Group with reference to Quaker Recognised Bodies replacing informal Listed Groups and minor amendments to Qf&p sections 14.40 and 8.20 with reference to Management Meeting.


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