Meeting for Sufferings: Review of Yearly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Gathering and MfS

'We have clearly heard that spirit-led discernment is central to life as a Quaker.'

The first main item focused on the ongoing review of Yearly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Gathering and MfS. Sarah Donaldson, clerk of the group appointed to conduct the review, said that, although the written report will not come until December, when it will be shared with MfS, she could outline where they were ‘in broad terms’. Since March, the group has run a faith-in-action workshop, embarked on a written consultation and organised three online workshops and a questionnaire. ‘Quite a number of Friends’ had responded, she said, ‘some passionate about governance… some who knew relatively little’. The group had ‘received a wealth of material’ which they were ‘carefully considering’. ‘We have clearly heard that spirit-led discernment is central to life as a Quaker,’ she said. ‘Sadly, some Friends feel that we are not doing enough discernment and that we don’t give enough time for the process, or… involve enough Friends.’

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