Meeting for Sufferings: Regional Gatherings
Regional Meetings are being planned
Regional Meetings are being planned to explore and strengthen the relationship between Area Meetings (AMs) and Meeting for Sufferings (MfS). MfS Arrangements Group is offering to meet with regional groups of Friends to explore how AMs and MfS can best work together and share good practice.
One Friend commented that the Meeting of Friends in Wales and General Meeting for Scotland were national bodies but could be treated as regional in this case.
The MfS Arrangements Group is asking questions such as: How is MfS relevant to local Friends? What are representatives and alternates supposed to do, and how can local Friends support them? How do they report back? How are concerns tested in Local and Area Meetings? What happens when an AM sends a minute to MfS and what sort of minute is most useful?
To help AMs, the MfS Arrangements Group will publish an annual list of dates by which minutes must be received.
AMs are encouraged to suggest what is best for them and to suggest practical ways of including two or more AMs in the gathering.
The gatherings may involve the MfS representatives and alternatives; the clerks of Local Meetings; elders and overseers, AM trustees; other members of MfS who live locally, such as representatives of central and standing committees; Britain Yearly Meeting trustees and staff; and any other interested Friends.
Gatherings can be arranged to suit the AMs involved. AMs can email or call Juliet Prager on 0207 663 1101.