Meeting for Sufferings: Quaker Recognised Bodies
Six new groups became Quaker Recognised Bodies at Meeting for Sufferings
Six groups were registered as Quaker Recognised Bodies at Meeting for Sufferings on 7 July.
They were: Quaker Concern Over Population; Quaker Congo Partnership: Claridge House; Quaker Africa Interest Group; Post Yugoslav Peace Link; and the Friends Fellowship of Healing.
In 2015 Meeting for Sufferings reviewed the former Listed Informal Groups system and adopted a new approach that aims to recognise ‘the passion and commitment’ in independent Quaker groups.
A Quaker Recognised Body is an ‘independent group of Friends who explore a common interest, seek affirmation or carry out witness; and wishes to be recognised as a Quaker organisation because its Quaker roots are important to its identity’.
Quaker Recognised Bodies are registered by Meeting for Sufferings and there are four different options. These are: External; Linked; Free-standing and Emergent.
Their activities are usually open to non-Quakers.