Six new groups became Quaker Recognised Bodies at Meeting for Sufferings

Meeting for Sufferings: Quaker Recognised Bodies

Six new groups became Quaker Recognised Bodies at Meeting for Sufferings

by The Friend Newsdesk 13th July 2018

Six groups were registered as Quaker Recognised Bodies at Meeting for Sufferings on 7 July.

They were: Quaker Concern Over Population; Quaker Congo Partnership: Claridge House; Quaker Africa Interest Group; Post Yugoslav Peace Link; and the Friends Fellowship of Healing.

In 2015 Meeting for Sufferings reviewed the former Listed Informal Groups system and adopted a new approach that aims to recognise ‘the passion and commitment’ in independent Quaker groups.

A Quaker Recognised Body is an ‘independent group of Friends who explore a common interest, seek affirmation or carry out witness; and wishes to be recognised as a Quaker organisation because its Quaker roots are important to its identity’.

Quaker Recognised Bodies are registered by Meeting for Sufferings and there are four different options. These are: External; Linked; Free-standing and Emergent.

Their activities are usually open to non-Quakers.


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