Draft amendments to Quaker faith & practice were on the agenda at Meeting for Sufferings

Meeting for Sufferings: Quaker faith & practice

Draft amendments to Quaker faith & practice were on the agenda at Meeting for Sufferings

by Tara Craig 11th December 2015

Catherine James, convenor of the Church Government Advisory Group (CGAG), spoke to a paper of draft amendments to Quaker faith & practice. The paper was brought to Meeting for Sufferings for a decision. A number of small changes intended to improve accuracy were accepted immediately. Amendments reflecting changes in Quaker Committee for Christian and Interfaith Relations (QCCIR)’s responsibilities were accepted, as were those acknowledging changes to government and the prison service in England and Wales, and in Scotland, following some clarification. Amendments reflecting recent changes in the role of the Quaker World Relations Committee (QWRC) were also accepted.

A number of Friends were prompted to speak on hearing the proposed amendments dealing with ‘Authority for Public Statements’. These were intended to reflect the Speaking Out Policy agreed by Meeting for Sufferings in February 2014.

The amendments said: ‘At Area and Local Meeting level, it should be made clear whenever local initiatives relate solely to Area or Local Meetings. Individual Friends or groups, such as listed informal groups, must be careful not to claim to speak for Friends as a whole, but just for themselves or their group, unless specifically authorised to do so. Other forms of public action undertaken in the name of Friends should similarly be authorised by the appropriate Meeting for Church Affairs. For example, when participating as individuals in vigils or demonstra-tions, Friends should be aware that they may be identified as speaking on behalf of Quakers.’

One Friend said: ‘I foresee many people saying “It’s worse to say nothing than to say something wrong if approached by a TV camera”.’
Catherine James responded: ‘I understand it as needing to say “I am speaking as an individual’.’’

The proposed amendments regarding public statements were referred back to CGAG. A number of members were present at Meeting of Sufferings. They met with Paul Parker, recording clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting, on Friday night, before sending updated amendments back to Sufferings on Sunday.

The new suggested amendment was: ‘Friends should be sensitive when participating in vigils and demonstrations that they may be seen as representing Quakers, and should take care.’ With this change, the proposed amendments were accepted by Sufferings.


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