Draft amendments to Quaker faith & practice were on the agenda at Meeting for Sufferings

Meeting for Sufferings: Quaker faith & practice

Draft amendments to Quaker faith & practice were on the agenda at Meeting for Sufferings

by Tara Craig 11th December 2015

Catherine James, convenor of the Church Government Advisory Group (CGAG), spoke to a paper of draft amendments to Quaker faith & practice. The paper was brought to Meeting for Sufferings for a decision. A number of small changes intended to improve accuracy were accepted immediately. Amendments reflecting changes in Quaker Committee for Christian and Interfaith Relations (QCCIR)’s responsibilities were accepted, as were those acknowledging changes to government and the prison service in England and Wales, and in Scotland, following some clarification. Amendments reflecting recent changes in the role of the Quaker World Relations Committee (QWRC) were also accepted.