Central England Area Meeting sent a minute to Meeting for Sufferings in support of QLCC's strategy for 2018-2022

Meeting for Sufferings: QLCC welcomes feedback and invites more comments

Central England Area Meeting sent a minute to Meeting for Sufferings in support of QLCC's strategy for 2018-2022

by The Friend Newsdesk 13th July 2018

Meeting for Sufferings received a minute from Central England Area Meeting that was supportive of Quaker Life Central Committee’s (QLCC) strategy for 2018-22, in particular, aims grouped under the headings of Our faith in the future.

These include, ‘as a logical sequence, and not in order of importance’: ‘Meeting for Worship is the bedrock of living as a Quaker’; ‘Quaker communities are loving, inclusive and all-age’; and ‘Quakers are well known and widely understood’.

A Friend from QLCC said that he was grateful for the minute: ‘We would like to have a lot more of them. It would be very useful to have more feedback like this.’


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