QPSW statement to be publicised

Meeting for Sufferings: Public statement on economic equality

QPSW statement to be publicised

by Trish Carn 6th April 2012

A statement on economic equality has been received from Quaker Peace & Social Witness. This is in response to Meeting for Sufferings (MfS), which minutes, in part: ‘We are distressed that the United Kingdom has now a greater disparity in incomes than at any time since the 1930s. We know the government intends to make cuts, but we object to it being at the expense of those who are unable to work. We reject judgemental labels and affirm our testimony to equality, and ask that an equality statement be issued to the media’.

Representatives at MfS in March were asked to publicise the statement and to circulate it to their Meetings.

The statement can be found at: www.quaker.org.uk/sufferings-minutes


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