Meeting for Sufferings: Proposed revision of QSC terms of reference
Revisions to a section of Quaker faith & practice were shared with Meeting for Sufferings
A note from the Church Government Advisory Group (CGAG) concerning the proposed revision to section 14.40 of Quaker faith & practice was heard by Sufferings.
The note said that the fact that Yearly Meeting 2013 had changed the terms of reference to Quaker Stewardship Committee (QSC) was overlooked.
This meant that CGAG’s recommended wording agreed at the December 2016 Meeting for Sufferings did not suitably describe the current situation.
What a Friend from CGAG called dotting ‘the Is’ and crossing ‘the Ts’ would mean a simplification to the wording of section 14.40.
The proposed revision will be forwarded to Yearly Meeting 2017.