A concern was raised at Meeting for Sufferings

Meeting for Sufferings: Nominators nominated to review Nominations Committee

A concern was raised at Meeting for Sufferings

by Ian Kirk-Smith 13th June 2014

A concern over the number of younger Friends asking for early release from Central Nominations Committee (CNC) was raised at Meeting for Sufferings.

Recent demographic changes has reduced the pool of names available for nomination in that Friends of working age often have little spare capacity, people are retiring later and many retired Friends are now relied upon for childcare.

The nominating process was described as ‘challenging at every level’ and suggestions sought for creative solutions.

CNC have asked for their membership to be reduced from twenty-seven to twenty-one and for their terms of reference to be changed accordingly.

Members of Meeting for Sufferings were invited to consider ways in which younger Friends could be involved in the nominations process and to think about the possibility of using social media, and the occasional use of advertisements, in the search for suitable names.

A Friend said that she ‘warmed to the suggestion that sometimes it might be appropriate to advertise’.

It was agreed that an ‘ad hoc’ nominations group be formed to nominate some Friends to make up a group who would look at the composition and terms of reference of CNC.


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