Meeting for Sufferings: New trustees at Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Two new trustees will be joining the Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Two new faces will be joining as trustees of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Friends were told at Meeting for Sufferings in the afternoon session. The search group – three people appointed by Meeting for Sufferings (currently Jonathan Dale, Sarah Richards and Deborah Rowlands) plus three trustees clerked by Tony Stoller – brought the names of Will Haire and Karamjit Singh for appointment to The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, which shares trustees with the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust.
Will Haire, of South Belfast Meeting, is a member of Ireland Yearly Meeting. He works as the permanent secretary at the Department for Social Development of Northern Ireland and was previously part of the UK’s Permanent representation to the European Council in Brussels.
Karamjit Singh lives in Coventry and comes from a Sikh family. He is currently Social Fund commissioner for Great Britain and Northern Ireland and head of the independent review process dealing with appeals against frontline decisions.