Terms of reference for the new Sustainability Group were brought to Meeting for Sufferings

Meeting for Sufferings: New terms for sustainability group

Terms of reference for the new Sustainability Group were brought to Meeting for Sufferings

by Tara Craig 17th October 2014

Terms of reference for a new Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) Sustainability Group were brought to Meeting for Sufferings last week. In June the Minute 36 Group had recommended that a new group be set up to oversee BYM’s commitment to sustainability. This was accepted.

The group said that it was ready ‘to make a strong corporate commitment to become a low-carbon, sustainable community’. This would require ‘a process to establish a baseline of current witness and a framework in which individual Friends and Local Meetings can share in their success’.

The new group will be accountable to Meeting for Sufferings, and will oversee work in relation to the low-carbon commitment made at Yearly Meeting Gathering in 2011.

Members will communicate by minute with Meeting for Sufferings, BYM trustees and central and standing committees. It is, according to the terms of reference, ‘encouraged to engage with independent Quaker groups, particularly those whose work relates closely to the commitment’.


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