Minutes from Area Meetings were heard at Meeting for Sufferings

Meeting for Sufferings: Minutes from Meetings

Minutes from Area Meetings were heard at Meeting for Sufferings

by Tara Craig 8th April 2016

A number of minutes from Area Meetings were brought to Sufferings.

A concern over the use of the phrase ‘Quakers in Britain’ came from Cambridgeshire Area Meeting. A response from recording clerk Paul Parker was included in the papers for Meeting for Sufferings, and the minute was forwarded to Britain Yearly Meeting trustees.

Two Area Meetings, North West London and Ipswich and Diss, sent minutes on the UK’s arms sales. These were forwarded to the Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW) Central Committee.

Dorset and South Wiltshire Area Meeting submitted a minute on conscientious objection to military taxation. This was also forwarded to QPSW.

Sufferings received a minute and briefing paper from Cornwall Area Meeting on the decriminalisation of the possession for personal use of all drugs. One Friend said that he was ‘sympathetic with the underlying purpose of the minute as an issue, but not sure if there is a faith basis as a collective corporate concern’.

The minute was referred to Area Meetings and will be reconsidered by Sufferings later in the year.


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