Meeting for Sufferings: Long term framework
The process of drawing up a new long term framework begins
A proposal was brought to Meeting for Sufferings (MfS), at its request, to begin a process engaging the entire Yearly Meeting in drawing up a new long term framework to cover the period 2015-2020.
In autumn 2012, the Britain Yearly Meeting trustees recommended that ‘Meeting for Sufferings should not seek to replace A Framework for Action in this form when it expires in 2014. Trustees do, however, see need for a clear statement of vision for the work of Quakers in Britain’.
MfS did not reject or endorse the trustees’ recommendation. Its minute (S/12/10/16) noted that it had ‘a clear sense that we need a document which builds on A Framework for Action’.
It noted that: ‘Friends valued the process of creating this framework.’ While recognising the framework’s lacks, it felt that ‘any review or update of the document should involve Friends widely again’ and ‘as a spirit-led organisation, we need a clearly stated purpose that is owned by all and arises from deeply held spiritual motivation and impetus’.
To begin the process MfS has asked Central Nominations Committee to bring forward names to work on a new long term framework for 2015 to 2020. In addition, the recording clerk has been asked to bring draft terms of reference for the working group to the October 2013 meeting.
It is planned that consultations will take place in late 2013 and early 2014 with a draft plan coming to Yearly Meeting 2014 for advice and guidance.