Alison Breadon spoke about the Central Nominations Committee Review Group

Meeting for Sufferings: Central Nominations Committee Review Group

Alison Breadon spoke about the Central Nominations Committee Review Group

by Tara Craig 11th December 2015

Alison Breadon spoke to a report from the Central Nominations Committee Review Group.

Alison admitted that it is ‘hard to explain what the Central Nominations Committee (CNC) does’. She explained that the recommended changes are intended to make the CNC’s processes more transparent, to allow more time for discernment, and to help it become more creative in addressing challenges.

More emphasis will be placed on search groups. The review group said it was keen to see ‘being on this search group as a confident, joyful process’.

Alison said: ‘A lot depends on how we implement these changes. It must be done gently and lovingly, and we don’t mind if it takes a while.’ It would be a case of establishing a different culture, she stressed.

A Friend described the report as ‘a very inspiring piece of work’. Another said that she liked the idea of search groups, and explained that her Local Meeting has put together briefs on the different roles to be filled, which have proved helpful.

A Friend said he would be interested to know how the search groups will help with involving Friends who have not had a university education. He suggested that new ways of service should be considered, stressed the need for better use of IT and resources, and called for plain, simple language. Another Friend called for ‘exit interviews’ when people step down from service.

Alison said that search groups would involve a wide range of people, including those who have already served on CNC or are likely to in the future. She stressed that involvement with a search group would be a short-term commitment.


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