Friends at the Spring Gathering. Photo: Konstantinidis Athanasios.
Manchester Friend’s ‘biscuit challenge’
Quakers in Manchester are tackling a biscuit challenge after discussions about sustainability
A Quaker intends to launch a ‘Quaker biscuit challenge’ in response to discussions at the Spring Gathering on Sustainability organised by Manchester and Warrington Area Meeting last month.
Around fifty Friends met at Central Manchester Meeting House on 16 February to debate climate change and what steps they could take to fulfil their Canterbury Commitment on Sustainability. During an afternoon ‘Open Space’ event, which had no predetermined agenda, the ethical complexities of eating biscuits at Meetings was raised, as well as other sustainability actions.
Thanos Konstantinidis, who was on the organising committee for the event, told the Friend: ‘We all love biscuits but, ethically it is difficult as most biscuits use palm oil.’ He added: ‘A persistent theme during the day was how negative feelings and despair about the disturbing reality can act as driver for action with resilience and creative power.
‘The need for three strategy groups was agreed. Another emerging theme was the need to discuss potentially controversial matters, for example, the use of the car park spaces in meeting houses.’