‘Language bursts out of the silence. Creation emerges out of the void.’ Photo: Gnuru/flickr CC

Quaker writer and poet Sibyl Ruth reflects on her experience of making a recent BBC Radio 4 programme on Quakers and poetry.

Making the Quaker connection

Quaker writer and poet Sibyl Ruth reflects on her experience of making a recent BBC Radio 4 programme on Quakers and poetry.

by Sibyl Ruth 19th August 2011

‘Language bursts out of the silence.
Creation emerges out of the void.’

Quaker writer and poet Sibyl Ruth penned these words in her script for a recent BBC Radio 4 programme on Quakers and poetry. She reflects on her experience of making the programme.

I used to organise poetry readings. I’d put on slams, open mic nights, events where ranters shared the stage with stand-up comics. But on my days off, the poets I liked to read were less noisy and more subtle. Though they never advertised the fact, quite a few of them were Quakers.