Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Area Meeting has become a Living Wage employer

Living Wage accreditation

Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Area Meeting has become a Living Wage employer

by Harry Albright 27th October 2017

Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Area Meeting (AM) has recently joined the list of those organisations accredited as a Living Wage employer. Living Wage rates are independently calculated based on what people need to get by.

In a statement Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Friends said: ‘While we had already committed to pay our nine employees at or above the Living Wage Foundation (LWF) recommended rate, we considered it important to apply for LWF accreditation.

‘We wanted to stand alongside the other Quaker Meetings and a growing number of other employers who recognise that we need to pay our staff a wage that meets the real cost of living. It also reflects how we value the contribution our employees make to the care and running of our Meeting houses.’

Quaker organisations accredited as LWF employers include: Britain Yearly Meeting, Quaker Social Action in London, Quaker Service in Northern Ireland, and Woodbrooke.

Other Area Meetings that have been awarded LWF accreditation include: York, Manchester and Warrington, Lancashire Central and North, Mid-Thames, Pendle Hill, South East Scotland, and Luton and Leighton. Sheffield Central Meeting is also among those displaying the LWF plaque.

Living Wage Week runs from 5-11 November.


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