A selection of lockdown limericks


A selection of lockdown limericks

by The Friend 21st August 2020

This virus, so rampant and furious,
Has effects that may well be thought spurious;
It makes Quakers send
Limericks to the Friend,
A symptom decidedly curious.

Dorothy Woolley

There was a young Friend from Devizes
Whose legs were of different sizes.
The left was too small,
The right much too tall.
Diversity springs such surprises!

David Boulton

There once was an athletic Friend
Who cycled twelve miles to attend
A new blended Meeting
With two-metre-spaced seating
Whilst others with Zoom did contend.

Bridget Oliver

An attender well-known at Bridgend
Thought long of becoming a Friend.
But he dithered and wavered,
Hesitated and havered,
Driving overseers clean round the bend!

Roy Payne

Technophobia’s been cited by some
While others won’t use planet Zoom.
For them it feels right
To hold us in the Light
While they sit quietly waiting at home.

Jackie Fowler

This virus it seems to be trying
To make us all ill and we’re dying
Remote and alone,
But God bless the ’phone
The ipad and Zoom (which we’re trying).

Barbara Miller


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