'See here – a new born child / Created by love into the world.' Photo: GioRetti / flickr CC.

'Life in uncertainty' by Bob Morley

Life in uncertainty

'Life in uncertainty' by Bob Morley

by Bob Morley 14th September 2018

See here – a new born child
Created by love into the world.
Brought from timeless eternity
Into uncertainty.

The illusion of time and space
Now fuels the human race,
Needing an identity in every place,
Creating uncertainty.

Identity names and separates all.
Conflict abounds, the need for possession,
Not enough for any – for all,
Expanding uncertainty.

Innocence lost, as is the Way,
Completely masked, the certainty
Of paradise, veiled by the mist of
Dominant uncertainty.

Clinging to science, or to religion,
Yearning for meaning of life.
Why am I here? – I want to be certain.
Total uncertainty.

But what is this! I have come to accept
No-thing is how it is.
Not what I think, or see, or feel – but
Growing certainty.

Being nothing, poverty of spirit,
I lose earthly identity.
At one with love, my spirit reveals
Eternal certainty.


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