Letters - 3 January 2020

From things to come to knowns and unknowns

Of things to come?

The saddest and most poignant piece of writing I came across in 2019 was a handwritten invitation that I discovered in the window of a small supermarket in New Zealand, while visiting my son. The sheet of A4, which contained a photograph of a young woman and two young children, roughly paraphrased, read as follows: ‘I need to raise NZ$50,000 for breast cancer treatment for my sister whose health plan and medical insurance have run out. She wants to spend as long as possible with her children. Please come to a coffee morning and bring-and-buy at my home (address and date supplied) and help.’ It was heart-wrenching in its simplicity and optimism and gave me pause for thought: immense sympathy for the family concerned, gratitude for the NHS and anxiety about how soon such notices might appear in the UK.

Jean Harbour

Spluttering and a guideline

I have to say I found some content in the letters pages and among articles (13 December) hard to swallow. In fact, some of it left me spluttering and speechless.

So, the best response I have to give and what I often use as a guideline for myself is: what would Jesus have done in this situation? I don’t think one can go far wrong with Jesus as a role model.

Barbara Penny

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