Letters - 22 March 2013

From metaphors to population

The clutch: a metaphor

Having driven a car for many years without really understanding the clutch mechanism, I was interested to read Noël Staples’ article (1 March) and found myself thinking that it was a metaphor on life itself.

‘Friction ceases when you take your foot off the pedal… The friction slows you down or stops you altogether and it takes practice to learn to rev the engine just the right amount… Riding the clutch causes completely needless wear’ (though it does stop you rolling back) ‘and continuous use quickly causes over heating’.

‘Using the engine to slow you down… does save brake wear and probably makes you a better driver forcing you to concentrate more on the road and conditions ahead’.

I often need to engage at the right speed, to slow down appropriately and to concentrate with thoughtful discernment on the way ahead.

Jane Burn

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