Letters - 18 March 2011

From appreciation to that of God


Recently at work someone three rungs up the management tree praised a project I completed both privately to me and publicly to colleagues. This is not usual practice where I have worked for sixteen years. I felt touched and encouraged by this and told him so. I have recently got into the habit of thanking bus drivers, which many other passengers are now doing here in Manchester. I am most grateful for their skills in safely taking me to my destination.

I reckon us humans need appreciation. It certainly makes me feel good. It’s a loving act to say ‘thank you’ for the ordinary service we habitually give one another. Without your love and care I am diminished. So thank you for all at the Friend, for Friends everywhere whether doorkeepers, elders, people giving spoken and other ministry, volunteer Friends and full-time workers.

This might seem like ‘daffodil ministry’ but perhaps we might ‘consider the daffodils’!

William West

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