Letters - 14 October 2011

From economic collapse to Quakers in the Guardian

Economic collapse

Some of us have been talking for a long time about the ‘twin threats’ of peak oil and climate change. It’s now abundantly clear that we need to focus on the ‘triple threats’ of peak oil, climate change and economic collapse.

Last week, on 1 October, seventy-five years to the day since the 1936 Jarrow March, a group of unemployed young people began retracing the 300-mile trek from Tyneside to London to highlight the plight of young people in the most economically deprived parts of England.

The route will pass through Leeds, Sheffield, Nottingham, Leicester, Coventry, Milton Keynes, Luton and Watford, en route to London, arriving on 5 November. I hope that Quakers along the route will turn out and support them – for details email youthfightforjobs@gmail.com

Pam Lunn

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