Letters - 13 June 2014

From Friargate Friends to the first world war

Friargate Friends

I was glad to read (6 June) that Friargate Meeting is to be used for synagogue services for the York Jewish community.

Edgbaston Meeting in Birmingham hired their Meeting house to the Birmingham Progressive Synagogue for nearly two years while their new synagogue was being built.  Far from being simply ‘another room booking’, our experience was one of growing fellowship and spiritual friendship.

When we came into our Meeting room on Sunday mornings there was a tangible sense of the Shabbat prayer and worship which our Jewish friends had enjoyed the day before and which, in turn, deepened our Meetings for Worship.

When their new synagogue was finished we were invited to the opening service where they spoke warmly of their time with the Quakers: ‘We were homeless, and they opened their home to us, and they also opened their hearts.’

I wish Friargate Friends every joy in their venture.

Marion McNaughton

Same sex marriage

If only we can believe a family is not a Mum Dad and 2.4 chrildren,but more than the sum totall,that the love of two human beings is more inportant than there gender. That two women Two men or a man and a women can,and do bring up,chrildren to love and respect there fellow humans and all live that makes up out woderful diverse planet for what they are not what they do or difine them by there sexuality disabilty or colour of there skin but by the goodness of there soul.

That we are all of equal worth weather Black white and any colour within the beautiful spectrum of human diversity,so all creeds or none

Gay Lesbian disabled or very abled we are here , we are here now,but within the blick of a eye we go back to where ever we came from and we should and must respect the rights of others to live out there lives as they see they should be lived.

John Arnison John has severe dyslexia: ‘I think becuase of this I have always indentified with repressed people for what ever reason.’

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