Letters - 12 December 2014

From Hubert Lidbetter to Ebola orphans in Rokel

Hubert Lidbetter

With regard to Andrew James’ letter (28 November) concerning my maternal grandfather Hubert Lidbetter, the architect of Friends House, the following may be of interest. In 1923, an architectural competition was organised for a purpose-built headquarters for the Religious Society of Friends and five Quaker architects were invited to participate, one being my grandfather. The instructions were precise. One of the main requirements was a Meeting house to seat 1,500 people for Yearly Meeting and a smaller Meeting house for 200-300. The whole building was to be of a simple and dignified design. Grandpa won the competition and The Architectural Review of October 1927 called it ‘eminently “Quakerly”’, or in other words, it unites common sense with just so much relief from absolute plainness as gives pleasure to the eye. He won the RIBA bronze medal in 1927 for the best building erected in London that year.

For interest, the land cost £45,000 and the building £191,262.

Sallie Dearnley

Holding in the Light

I have been held in the Light and know the sustained love and support it brings.

Mary Penny

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